#Headline level 1 ##Headlne level 2 ###Headline level 3
''bold'' //italic// ~~strikethrough~~ *emphasis* **strong emphasis**
==> right justified <== left justified ==><== centered ===><= 3/4
* bullet list item A * bullet list item B ** bullet list item B1 ** bullet list item B2 * bullet list item C 0. numbered list A 0. numbered list B 0.0. numbered list B1 0.0. numbered list B2 0. numbered list C
(color: red)[this text is red] (color: green)[this text is green] (background: yellow)[this text has a yellow background] (color: black)[ (background: yellow)[black text on a yellow background] ]
This is the standard font Generic fonts: * (font: "serif")[serif] * (font: "sans-serif")[sans-serif] * (font: "cursive")[cursive] * (font: "fantasy")[fantasy] * (font: "monospace")[monospace] (font: "Pangolin")[This is a custom font(see CSS)]
(text-style:"bold")[bold] (text-style:"outline")[outline] (text-style:"shadow")[shadow] (text-style:"emboss")[emboss] (text-style:"condense")[condense] (text-style:"expand")[expand] (text-style:"blur")[blur] (text-style:"blurrier")[blurrier] (text-style:"smear")[smear] (text-style:"mirror")[mirror] (text-style:"upside-down")[upside-down] (text-style:"blink")[blink] (text-style:"fade-in-out")[fade-in-out] (text-style:"rumble")[rumble] (text-style:"shudder")[shudder]
<img src = "https://live.staticflickr.com/2230/2212005662_22fd2bc4da_b.jpg" alt = "magnificent emu" height = 300 width = 300/>
You can change the src to whatever image you can find on the web. You can also adjust the height and width.
Edit the style sheet of your entire game. You can modify this one as a starting place
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Pangolin&display=swap'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Orbitron&display=swap'); tw-story { background-color: purple; color: red; font-family: Orbitron; } tw-link { color: #ffff00; } .visited { color: #ffff00; } .hover { color: #ff0000; }
Visit fonts.google.com to find new fonts to use.